Dear colleagues, co-workers and friends
The Panhellenic Association of Logopedists invites you to the 14th – 1st Panhellenic International Congress of Speech and Language Therapy “Building Bridges” which will be conducted at 28, 29 and 30 May 2021 in digital form with the collaboration of the Turkish Association of Speech and Language Therapists and speakers from Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Romania and Estonia.
To improve clinical effectiveness all speech therapists, whether experienced or not, need to be knowledgeable about current theoretical approaches and the recent methods of treating speech disorders.
The goal of the Congress is an overview of recent developments focusing on sectors of therapy, early intervention, assessment and the promising application of the accomplishments of current research and new technologies.Another objective of this congress is to promote the interdisciplinary nature of research and the cooperation with other related professionals (doctors, special education teachers, psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, teachers etc.) in the intervention of speech, language and communication difficulties. The Congress offers the advantages of a broader scientific digital meeting due to participation of internationally recognized speakers and highly distinguished Greek scientists.
During the oral presentations, specialized workshops will take place for those participants who are looking for more experiential education and scientific experience. Furthermore, the participants of the Congress will have the opportunity to attend, without any additional cost, two webinars with related scientific content, before the congress in dates that will be announced shortly.
The Congress includes many different scientific sections with a focus on the following areas:
- Neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood: Clinical and Research Topics
- Participation and Activity – Quality of life
- Multiculturalism – Language Development
- Selective Mutism
- Children with Cochlear implant
- Promoting communication in adulthood
We invite you to participate actively in the congress «Building Bridges » and to contribute to its success by using your expertise, enthusiasm and innovative ideas.
Speech & Language Therapist, PhD
President of the Scientific Committee
Speech & Language Therapist
President of the Organising Committee
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